Sunday, December 4, 2011

Temperament of the of Bernese Mountain dog breed

Bernese Mountain Dog is an easygoing dog. Generally, they are calm and well-behaved. Shy dogs, indeed. They tend to focus on one group of people only (man with beards, specially) and aren’t really sociable dogs. But they can socialize well with other animals. Most males are dominant and always want to be the boss. It’s really a good training that they need. They don’t want to be left alone and tends to suffer from separation anxiety. When stressed and feels alone, they do destructive chewing.

Berners are outdoor dogs at heart and needs a lot of activity, however, they don’t deal with great endurance. When pushed and motivated, they can move with great speed. They love to be praised and recognized. This breed is commonly good with children as they are sweet, patient, loyal and playful despite their huge size. Overall, this breed has a good temperament and will make a good family dog.

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