Great Danes are one of the tallest dog breeds. They have a powerfully muscular body, rectangular head with a long face and a large nasal canal, long neck, and tall pointed ears. A dane's tail is medium in length. A Great Dane dog has short, shiny, thick, close-fitting and smooth coat. Their skin is tight with no wrinkles.
Standard colors of a great dane are:
1. Fawn - yellow gold with a black mask, black eye rims and eyebrows
2. Brindle - yellow gold with strong black cross stripes in a chevron pattern with a black mask and black eye rims and eyebrows
3. Black - glossy black all over
4. Blue - pure steel blue all over
5. Mantle - black and white with a solid black blanket extending over the body, a black skull with white muzzle, and often a white blaze, white color, white chest, white on the legs and/or tail.
6. Harlequin - base color of pure white with black torn patches distributed over the body
Standard height and weight of a male Great Dane is not less than 30 inches, preferably 32 inches or more and between 120 to 200 lbs. Females are not less than 28 inches, preferably 30 inches or more ad between 100 to 130 lbs.
Below are some pictures of a great dane puppy and dog.
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