A Boston Terrier has a small, well-proportioned, and compact built body. This breed does not contain a wrinkled muzzle. Boston Terriers have short tails, large and erect ears, and short muzzle.Standard coat colors of a Boston Terrier dog may vary but white is constantly present with:
1. Black
2. Brindle
3. Seal - black color with red highlights which appear when they are out in bright sunlight
Some Boston Terriers' coats are a combination of the colors mentioned above. Overall ,the seal coat is the most common in this breed. White coat is generally present in the chest, the neck band, the muzzle, half way up the forelegs, and up to the hocks on the rear legs. Boston's coat is short and smooth-haired.
The standard height of a male Boston measures 15-17 inches and weight is divided into classes as follows:
Under 15 pounds;
15 pounds and under 20 pounds;
20 pounds and;
Not to exceed 25 pounds.
Some photos of this breed are below: