Monday, November 29, 2010

Australian Shepherd photos

The Australian Shepherd breed has a medium-sized, robust, and well-balanced body. They have high, triangular and slightly rounded at the tip ears. This breed is known for its natural or docked bobtail.

Australian Shepherds have these standard coat colors:
1. Blue Merle
2. Red
Solid Black
4. Solid Red

The Australian Shepherd dog has a medium texture, weather resistant, medium straight to wavy coat.

The standard height and weight of male Australian Shepherds is between 20 to 23 inches and 50 to 65 lbs; while female dogs are between 18 to 21 inches and 40 to 44 lbs.

Below are some photos of Australian Shepherd puppies and dogs.

Miniature Schnauzer photos

The Miniature Schnauzer breed is one of the toy dogs because of its small built with a rectangular and long head. To put emphasis on the squareness of the head, the bushy eyebrows, beard, and mustache are usually trimmed. Miniature Schnauzers have a very straight back parallel to the floor. The Miniature Schnauzer dog has v-shaped ears which fold forward on each side of the head.

This breed has black nose, dark eyes, docked tail is carried high, straight front legs, has a very sturdy-look with strong and muscular expression.

The standard coat colors of this dog are:
1. Salt and Pepper
2. Black
3. Black with Silver
4. White - not recognized by AKC.

The standard weight of this dog is between 10 to 15 lbs; while their height is between 12 to 14 inches.

Below are some photos of a Miniature Schnauzer puppy and dog:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Boston Terrier photos

A Boston Terrier has a small, well-proportioned, and compact built body. This breed does not contain a wrinkled muzzle. Boston Terriers have short tails, large and erect ears, and short muzzle.

Standard coat colors of a Boston Terrier dog may vary but white is constantly present with:
1. Black
2. Brindle
3. Seal - black color with red highlights which appear when they are out in bright sunlight

Some Boston Terriers' coats are a combination of the colors mentioned above. Overall ,the seal coat is the most common in this breed. White coat is generally present in the chest, the neck band, the muzzle, half way up the forelegs, and up to the hocks on the rear legs. Boston's coat is short and smooth-haired.

The standard height of a male Boston measures 15-17 inches and weight is divided into classes as follows:

Under 15 pounds;
15 pounds and under 20 pounds;
20 pounds and;
Not to exceed 25 pounds.

Some photos of this breed are below:

Golden Retriever photos

The Golden Retriever is a medium sized and strong dog. Its skull is moderately round and their ears are triangular, hanging and fall approximately to the level of the jaw. American Golden Retrievers' eyes are set farther apart, slanted and triangular in shape. Male Golden Retriever dog has a broader skull and muzzle and a thicker neck compared to a female. Their body is slightly longer than tall and is well angulated in the rear. This breed has a dense and water-repellent coat with a thick undercoat. The outer coat is firm and resilient and can be straight or wavy; the legs, underbelly, neck and tail are feathered with longer, lighter hair.

Standard colors of a Golden are:
1. Cream
2. Gold

The AKC only recognizes males' height ranging from 23 to 24 inches at withers and weight from 65 to 75 lbs.; and females' height from 21½ to 22½ inches and weight from 55 yo 65 lbs.

Below are some photos of the Golden Retrievers.

Great Dane photos

Great Danes are one of the tallest dog breeds. They have a powerfully muscular body, rectangular head with a long face and a large nasal canal, long neck, and tall pointed ears. A dane's tail is medium in length. A Great Dane dog has short, shiny, thick, close-fitting and smooth coat. Their skin is tight with no wrinkles.

Standard colors of a great dane are:
Fawn - yellow gold with a black mask, black eye rims and eyebrows
2. B
rindle - yellow gold with strong black cross stripes in a chevron pattern with a black mask and black eye rims and eyebrows
3. B
lack - glossy black all over
4. B
lue - pure steel blue all over
5. Mantle - black and white with a solid black blanket extending over the body, a black skull with white muzzle, and often a white blaze, white color, white chest, white on the legs and/or tail.
Harlequin - base color of pure white with black torn patches distributed over the body

Standard height and weight of a male Great Dane is
not less than 30 inches, preferably 32 inches or more and between 120 to 200 lbs. Females are not less than 28 inches, preferably 30 inches or more ad between 100 to 130 lbs.

Below are some pictures of a great dane puppy and dog.

Monday, November 8, 2010

German Shepherd photos

One of the most popular breeds in the world is the German Shepherd Dog or GSD for short. German Shepherds are muscular and stand up ears, well-balanced, and longer than it is tall. The German Shepherd has four coat colors: black, tan, gray (called blue) or brown (called liver). It is noted that the gray/blue, liver and white colors cannot be shown in AKC. GSD's have dark accents on the ears and are usually lighter on the legs and face. They have almond-shaped eyes with a lively, intelligent expression. His bushy tail hangs down.

Here are some photos of German Shepherd puppies and dogs.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a type of Toy dog. It is considered as one of the most popular breeds in UK. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a silky coat and commonly an undocked tail. King Charles Spaniels are usually classified in 4 colors as Blenheim, Tricolour [black/white/tan], Black and Tan, and Ruby. Their common characteristics are affectionate, friendly and good with both children and other animals.

The most common health issue for Charles Spaniels is the mitral valve disease, which sometimes leads to heart failure. This disease is regarded as the most common cause of death for this breed. The breed may also suffer from Syringomyelia, a malformation of the skull that reduces the space available for the brain. They are also affected by ear problems and
hip dysplasia.